ITIN Number
The Individual Taxpayer Identification Number or (ITIN) is a special number that is given to people who do not otherwise have a Social Security Number. The Individual Taxpayer Identification Number can be used in some cases as a replacement for a SSN. In instances where a person may not have, or may not be qualified to get a Social Security Number, they can apply for the Individual Taxpayer Identification Number by filling out a form with the IRS.
The form that is filled out and sent to the IRS to obtain the Individual Taxpayer Identification Number is called the W7 Form. It is a basic form that asks applicants for personal information that the IRS uses to complete the processing of the form.
The Individual Taxpayer Identification Number is then used as a means for the IRS to collect taxes from people who are working to receive wages in the US. This is an important step for many people as it is then possible for these workers to show proof of employment.
In some other cases, the Individual Taxpayer Identification Number can be used to obtain funds through borrowing money from banks and credit agencies. This practice is rather new and not all agencies lend with the Individual Taxpayer Identification Number. This site has a number of advertisements for companies who may lend money with the ITIN. It makes sense for you to check these agencies out to see for yourself.
In a lot of cases, the Individual Taxpayer Identification Number can be used as a substitute for the SSN and can be entered in the same manner in application forms. These types of applications use the Individual Taxpayer Identification Number instead of the SSN and the application is processed as if the SSN were entered.
This can be true of credit card applications, mortgage applications, credit score checking and other agencies.
As stated before, please explore this site and others to better understand the benefits of your Individual Taxpayer Identification Number.